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Mar 13th 2023

The new #CutterIncident - #CutterGate

This one involves Karen Cutter, the author of a "independent" report into the huge death scandal in Australia following the vaccine rollout.

It wasn't independent at all.

Karen is another that hates "antivaxxers"
For reference here is the report. It is worth reading just so you can see the bias in it.

It's an appallingly incompetent piece.…
Of course, Karen doesn't mean "those" anti-vaxxers. No, she means the other ones.

She obviously won't define what "conspiracy theory types" are.

Her hatred gets in the way.
Read 22 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
This is a really bad look from .@karencutter4 who wrote what was was claimed to be an "independent actuarial report" regarding the huge post-COVID vaccine death scandal affecting Australia

After denying she was acting on behalf of the government ...
She then proceeded to use TGA government propaganda as the sole source of denial that the COVID vaccine program was in any way contributory to the huge spike in deaths.

When it was pointed out *with evidence* that the TGA had massively under-reported....
the need for acute medical care following the COVID vaccination program I was blocked.

All interactions had been polite.

This was a block merely because she was being shown that she was reporting biased information that severely compromised her integrity.
Read 8 tweets

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