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Jul 22nd 2022
Last Friday, I visited Rosy Farms, about 45 minutes northwest of Edmonton, to u-pick haskap berries. What are haskaps? Watch this mini-mini doc to learn all about these "hot" new prairie berries. (Picking season lasts till mid August.) #yeg #yegfood #SenCa #AGFO
My haskaps have all been baked into muffins, churned into homemade ice cream, eaten fresh on cereal, or popped in the freezer. They are a delicate berry, and don't last. But that's OK. You'll want to eat them ASAP anyway. (Sorry, I forgot to share with you all.)
(I shot the video myself, sans tripod. Thank goodness the new iPhone 13 minimizes jiggle. And thank you to @PawanSMinhas of my staff, who transformed my video and photos into this lovely little piece.)
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