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Jun 8th 2021
#EpigraphyTuesday - Kicking off with a bit of Nero and Poppaea graffiti from Pompeii, with these verse inscriptions from the House of Gaius Julius Polybius (IX.13.1-3). #AGOTD #Graffiti

Image: Authors photograph of Année Epigraphique (1985) 283 and 204 (2004: 404)
The inscriptions themselves would seem to commemorate gifts offered by Poppaea and Nero to the goddess Venus, perhaps at the time of the emperor's visit to Pompeii in AD 64.
The first records a gift of Poppaea:

"munera Poppaea misit Veneri sanctissimae berullum helenumque / unio mixtus erat"

'Poppaea sent as gifts to most sacred Venus a beryl, an ear-drop pearl - oh, and a bloody big pearl besides!'
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