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Aug 20th 2020
I chose to resit due to extenuating circumstances where my father was on his death bed during my 2019 A Level sitting. Evidently, this had a great emotional toll on me that -
reflected in my grades and I knew I had to resit as I was determined to obtain grades that reflect my potential and ability. In addition to this, my desire to resit also stemmed from wanting to leave generational poverty and social inequality that has been inflicted upon me.
Unfortunately, being a young BAME person from a low income family in one of the poorest boroughs in the U.K., on free school meals and occasionally provided with £60-£90 in bursary per school term (£20-£30 per month) has not given me leverage in life.
Read 47 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Relieved about #ALevelResults U-turn but make no mistake: the grading scandal has *already hurt* many students who have already had an impossible year.

Students facing the biggest barriers to higher education *and* to other destinations dependent on grades were hit hardest

The algorithm used to 'adjust' grades was baked in bias + prejudice. It *must* be made public

We need to know how it was created. We must ensure nothing like it is used again

It is indicative of problems devouring the heart of our education sector⬇️

No one should underestimate the harm the #AlevelResults scandal has already caused and which will persist even after this (overdue) U-turn.

Consider the impact of this on students' mental health and on their confidence as they prepare for their next steps, uni or otherwise
Read 10 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
As someone who has just received his, listen to @danieljelsom talk about this year's #AlevelResults
Here is the related updated article by @YvonneWancke 😎
You got the government to U-turn well done to these young protestors standing up for their future @danieljelsom #AlevelResults #ALevelProtests !!…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
A-level and BTEC students Results Day

what you need for uni
stylish backpack 🎒 :
pack of pens 🖊️:
pukka pads📓 :

#AlevelResults #ResultsDay #resultsday2020 #Results2020 #alevels2020 #alevels #BTEC
Alevels & BTEC students Results Day

ball point ✍️
Stationery ✏️
organiser 👝
post it notes:

#students #BTECResultsDay #btecresults #Results2020
Home movers:

🍽️ 35+ Piece Kitchen Starter Kit:

🧰 Tool Set:

🧺 Foldable Laundry basket:


🏋️ Gym bag:

#uni #university #unilife #studentlife
Read 5 tweets

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