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May 22nd 2019
"Incremental steps are no longer acceptable in this time of climate emergency," says @emahlee "Almost 7,700 Amazon employees understand that Amazon must have a comprehensive plan that matches the scale and urgency of the climate crisis." @Amazon #AGM #AMZNClimate
"Speed is everything. Without bold, rapid action we will lose our only chance to avoid catastrophic warming. There’s no issue more important to our customers or our world than the climate crisis, and we are falling far short." -@emahlee @Amazon #AGM #AMZNClimate
"If we fail to rise to this moment, how we will tell our children that we knew we had such a small window to act decisively, to leave fossil fuels in the ground, but instead we helped Shell, BP, and others find and extract oil and gas more quickly?..." 1/2
Read 14 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
Some reflections on #AMZNclimate. Almost 7,000 Amazon employees have now signed a public letter asking the company to show bold, decisive leadership on the climate crisis 1/x…
(The Medium post is lagging behind our actual numbers which is over 6,700) 2/x
Amazon employees care deeply about the climate crisis. Seeing the outpouring of support has been very emotional for me. People are grateful, encouraged, saying things on email lists like, "thank you for putting this forth and inviting us in to the chance of a lifetime" 3/x
Read 36 tweets

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