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Oct 27th 2019
Managing Editor, @Ibrahim_Anoba is now live with our guests from @IRR_SouthAfrica And @nigeriantribune on #XenophobiaTalk.

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Sara Gon of the Institute of Race Relations South Africa @IRR_SouthAfrica is now live with us on #XenophobiaTalk.

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1/ Since Apartheid, there's been somewhat of a Superiority Complex with South African's and this is one of the perceived causes of Xenophobia in South Africa.

- Sara Gon of @IRR_SouthAfrica

#AfricanLibertyWebinar #XenophobiaTalk
Read 18 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
1/ We haven't made much progress as far as development is concerned in Africa in the post-colonial period. There are a few reasons for this and I'll see this analogy.

- @ayittey

#AfricanLibertyWebinar #WhyAfricaFailed
2/ If a nation wants to go on a journey from a state of underdevelopment to a developed state, it needs a good vehicle, good road, good strategy, good drivers and good passengers.

- @ayittey

#AfricanLibertyWebinar #WhyAfricaFailed
3/ Apparently, what we got specifically is very bad drivers and no strategies which as a result led us to cultivate a crop of angry passengers.

- @ayittey

#AfricanLibertyWebinar #WhyAfricaFailed
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