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Jan 11th 2023
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OLD & NEW alice in borderland characters in AiB S1-S2:
based on the alice in wonderland canon books by lewis carroll (NOT the films & animations)


#今際の国のアリス #AliceinBorderland #AliceInBorderlandS2 #AliceinBorderland2

thank you so much @nakagawis for the thread of AiB s1 characters, for listening to me & @ottersandfics for tatta & kuzuryu analysis & everything.
even if this flops, i thank you & the others who read. 😅
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aib characters as aiw characters (from books)

a. keiichi #KUZURYU the king of diamonds is the dodo (thanks @ottersandfics). there's a hayato doudou in the manga but he's not the dodo. i'll explain more.
#AliceinBorderland #AliceinBorderland2 #AliceInBorderlandS2 keiichi kuzuryu as the dodo of alice in wonderland. the dodo
Read 81 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
endingnya udah sesuai manga (happy ending) tapi kurang dijelasin aja kali ya

jadi mereka tuh pas jantungnya kehenti masuk ke borderland antara hidup dan mati

di rl jantungnya kehenti semenit, tapi di borderland udah berhari2

#AliceInBorderlandS2 #AliceInBorderland2
lama mereka di borderland juga tergantung berapa lama jantung mereka kehenti di rl

dan mereka pas masuk ke borderland juga kan ga serentak, ada yg duluan ada yg beberapa hari berikutnya, nah itu di rl-nya cuma beda beberapa detik aja

#AliceInBorderlandS2 #AliceInBorderland2
misalnya 1 detik di rl = 7 hari di borderland

A jantungnya kehenti di jam 02.03.14
B jantungnya kehenti di jam 02.03.15

A masuk ke borderland tanggal 7 juni
tapi B masuk ke borderland tanggal 14 juni

#AliceInBorderlandS2 #AliceInBorderland2
Read 25 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
Gangs of London season 2 is epic!! Image
Happy birthday @BenStiller

My favorite Ben Stiller movies:

Meet the Parents
Mystery Men
Tropic Thunder
The Royal Tenenbaums
1990 Image
Read 35 tweets

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