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Jul 6th 2019
Large anti-racist block party underway in Pershing Park in Washington, DC to counter-protest the far-right Proud Bous rally happening nearby in Freedom Plaza. A few hundred attendees estimated on either side.
Large group of DC police on bikes formed this new line, then fell back, when a large group marched in to join the anti-racist protest
Here’s the view of the Proud Boy’s “Demand Free Speech” really from Pershing Park. Maybe 200 Proud Boys & supporters, we estimate 4-500 at the #AllOutDC counter rally
Read 22 tweets
Jul 6th 2019
Some early data for hashtags related to today's rally. #DemandFreeSpeech network is split between right-wing accounts promoting the event and left/center commentary; #AllOutDC is mostly traffic in favor of the counterprotest. Not much automation present.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
Sadly the Laura Loomer fan club live stream has been interrupted and I am forced to embrace other options.
A high point of the #DefendFreeSpeech rally: dude dressed as a giant eyeball holding up a "DRAIN THE SWAMP = 911 TRUTH" sign. #AltWankers
Read 4 tweets
Jul 6th 2019
A trans woman flips off a gay Trump supporter at the #DemandFreeSpeech rally.
Antifa is here on the opposite side of the #DemandFreeSpeech rally
A Latina Trump supporter is being blocked by a white Bernie supporter near the #DemandFreeSpeech rally.
Read 18 tweets

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