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Nov 14th 2022
“I love that people on TikTok feel so comfortable sharing their feelings, even if it makes some older people go, ‘Why are these kids being so overdramatic?’” Lauren Spencer-Smith (@iamlaurenmusic) says in conversation with @mikaelwood.…
“When I see someone else crying online, I feel better about telling someone that I cried today,” says the “Fingers Crossed” singer who’s widely thought to be in the running for the coveted best new artist prize at the #Grammys.…
Spencer-Smith on watching the Grammys: “We couldn’t afford TV, so I’d look up every speech and every performance on YouTube. I was obsessed with knowing who won and why.”…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Jennifer Hudson is pitching a new daytime talk show to be produced by the team from “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”
Although not technically an “Ellen” replacement — her show wouldn’t be a continuation of the “Ellen” deals and is being shopped as a new series — it would be positioned as Warner Bros. TV’s new flagship daytime talk show now that “Ellen” is ending its run.
“Ellen” executive producers Andy Lassner and Mary Connelly also served as show runners on Hudson’s test show, which was recently shot on the “Ellen” stage and is now being used as part of the pitch to station groups.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 15th 2021
Packed room to see @WatchChad and @DonHuffines at Project Fort Worth.
Citizen David Lambertson honored for his volunteer work.
@WatchChad and @DonHuffines take the stage at Project Fort Worth.
Read 64 tweets

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