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Oct 2nd 2022
#Nanganallur It used be one far away suburbs of Chennai once upon a time. Not any more. It is now one of the bustling and vibrant places and part of Chennai corporation. This post is not about the social aspect of the place but about how it has become the home of several temples
which are spreading divinity to all of Chennai. Maha Periyava Himself has said that (originally Nangainallur Nangai+Nallur means place of good-natured women) it is a Punya kshetram.
1. First and foremost is the Anjaneyar Temple. A very powerful deity. Vishwaroopa Anjaneya stands
tall as the testimony of courage, beliefs and happiness in the great idol worship, its around 2 miles from the Palavanthangal/ Nanganallur Railway Station.

2. Varasidhi Vinayagar Temple: Located at Ram Nagar 2nd Street, is said to be one of the oldest temples which had Kanchi
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