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Oct 26th 2020
Delighted to be joining #AoIR2020 for the opening keynote on the politics of AI after COVID by @katecrawford & @alondra! I have my own little piece of the conference with me in @susannapaasonen @kylzjarrett & Ben Light's book # NSFW, and I'm feeling connected, even from afar 👩‍💻
Our keynotes have written these great BOOKS about artificial intelligence: @katecrawford is bringing out The Atlas of AI, and @alondra wrote The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations & Reconciliation after the Genome #AoIR2020……
We’ve seen a push towards a centralised set of tools, and the creation of technology infrastructures, that have been presented to the public as a given. There’s little public discussion of the backend of data: @katecrawford #AoIR2020
Read 16 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
I am utterly speechless. #AoIR2020

This thread is about community accountability when the people causing harm are 1) close to you and 2) refuse to be held accountable.
I’ve been involved to one degree or another with ReFiG from its beginning (founders of ReFiG are the names in the session above). One of them was my grad school supervisor, was a founding board member of femfreq, among other things. We have a long history. I owe her a lot.
The leaders of ReFiG have been called out on transphobia as well as worker exploitation, most prominently last year but there has been low key awareness of this for some time.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
Still confused about how to experience the brilliant research at #AoIR2020? Here’s another handy guide (this is a long thread!):
Watch the video playlists and leave comments and questions for the authors in the forum. You can find the links in the AoIR2020 How to Participate tab on the page –… (members only!) #AoIR2020
The 26 playlists are:
PLO1 The Algorithmic You: Data subjects
PL02 Digital democracy
PL03 Politics and social change
PL04 Internet research: Sources, methods, pedagogies
PL05 Fake news! (Dis)information and conspiracies
PL06 Networked privacy
Read 13 tweets

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