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Most recents (2)

Aug 29th 2020
Is Uttar Pradesh's dismal crime record, especially agnst women/Dalits, worsening? Stats will tell but that's only part of the story. This thread chronicles anecdotal recent instances: each with trauma/loss of life & loved ones bereft. What would justice for them look like?... Image
Shubhmani Tripathi, Journalist
Killed in Unnao allegedly at the behest of sand mafia and illegal landgrabbers.…
Sexual harassment of a woman & her daughter
When they visited a police station in Deoria to file a land dispute complaint, Inspector Bhishmapal Singh masturbated in front of them.…
Read 119 tweets
Apr 6th 2018
What inspires BJP? Who are the so called 'great men' who inspire the LootUs party? #BJPFoundationDay
Some thoughts of the 'great netas' of LootUs party. #BJPFoundationDay #IndiaTrustsBJP to drag us back to the stone age...
Read 8 tweets

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