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Feb 17th 2021
🔥Former @GOP Sen. John Danforth and Rep. Tom Coleman urge Congress to invoke the #14thAmendment to BAR Trump from public office:

"Congress can—and must—pursue an alternative path to protecting our republic from a future Trump presidency."

#14thamendment Section 3 bars from public office those officials who engage in “insurrection or rebellion” against the US.

Passed in the wake of the Civil War, Section 3 was deliberately drafted to encompass any future acts of insurrection or rebellion—such as those of Jan. 6.💥
🔥Danforth and Coleman: “There can be no serious dispute that Trump engaged in insurrection within the meaning of Section 3. While Trump did not himself storm the Capitol on Jan. 6, his actions leading up to and during that day’s events were central to the #insurrection.”
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