Dena Grayson, MD, PhD Profile picture
Ran for Congress. Lover of #science, truth and democracy.
108 subscribers
Nov 3, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: I’ve been involved w/ multiple campaigns. The truth is that pollsters skew the final results *by definition*.

Why? Final poll “numbers” are projected based on turnout assumptions that the pollster uses to predict “results” based on raw polling data. 🧵 1/ Reliable pollsters try to poll a “representative” population of “likely” voters, including factors such as party affiliation, age, gender, ethnicity...

BUT some groups are more difficult to poll & data reliability can differ, based on methodology (call, text, online). 2/
Aug 2, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
🚨BREAKING: the @CIA believed Trump ILLEGALLY took $10 million from #Egypt days before his inauguration.

Investigators thought this was why Trump gave $10 million of his own cash late in his campaign but were BLOCKED from probing by Trump appointees.🤬… In 2017, classified intel indicated Egyptian President El-Sisi sought to give Trump $10 million.

in Jan 2017, a Cairo bank got an unusual letter from an group linked to Egyptian intelligence asking the bank to withdraw ~$10 million from the organization’s account—ALL IN CASH.🧐
Jan 5, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
🚨BREAKING: nearly 2 years after the January 6 #Insurrection, the @FBI increased its reward by 5-fold to $500,000 for info leading to the arrest of the #terrorist who left 2 pipe bombs near the @DNC & @GOP HQs the day before the assault.

PLEASE SHARE.🧵… The January 6th pipe bomb #terrorist wore a face mask, glasses, gloves and a grey-hooded sweatshirt and **#Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes** (photo below).

Someone knows this #terrorist—PLEASE SHARE lFAR AND WIDE.
Jan 3, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
🚨NEW: pro-Putin activists in #Germany are agitating for Berlin to cut aid to #Ukraine & pursue peace with #Russia.

Key figures in this op have links to the Russian state or to far-right groups.

@saitomri @zverev_live @m_tsvetkova @reporter_polina… Oleg Eremenko is a former officer in the GRU (🇷🇺military intelligence) who served inside #Russia: “I served, and that’s it,” he said. “I’m now in #Germany in, let’s say, a civilian status,” promoting Russian culture and memorialising WW2 dead.

Cool story, bro.🙄
Dec 29, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING: George Santos admits to using cash from his firm—#Devolder Organization—to fund his campaign with an allegedly ILLEGAL $700,000 corporate contribution.

It’s legal to use personal cash, but corporate cash is ILLEGAL.🧵

#WhoBankrolledSantos… ⚠️Santos admits he took money from his #Devolder to bankroll his campaign & the $700,000 in loans “was the money I paid myself through the Devolder Organization”👉🏼ILLEGAL

His financial disclosure shows a $750,000 salary from Devolder + dividends between $1-5 million.🧐
Dec 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
‼️Right-wing judicial activist Leonard Leo (then-EVP of the Federalist Society) helped facilitate the sale of Kellyanne Conway’s polling company in 2017 **while she was advising Trump** on Leo’s handpicked list of SCOTUS candidates.

TOTAL #corruption.🤬… The sale came at a critical moment for Kellyanne▶️her ownership had come under Congressional scrutiny for potential “conflicts of interest,” likely creating pressure to unload it even though its value was unclear and she was its biggest asset but committed to her WH job.🙄
Dec 17, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
🔥DECIMATED: One of #Russia’s most formidable combat units—the 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade that protects Russia’s Arctic nuclear submarine arsenal—sent its best fighters & weapons to #Ukraine this year and was DESTROYED.

#StandWithUkraine… During my expedition to the #NorthPole in 2017, I bunked at the same base where #Russia’s 200th Arctic brigade was training.

Here’s video that I shot from my iPhone of some of the troops departing the Arctic base for a training mission.
Nov 19, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
🚨Jesse Benton—former campaign manager for #MoscowMitch and Ron & @RandPaul—found GUILTY on 6 counts of illegally funneling #Russian money to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Benton was previously convicted of 4 felonies, but Trump pardoned him.🤬… ‼️Jesse Benton—former campaign manager for #MoscowMitch and Ron & @RandPaul—not only ILLEGALLY funneled #Russian cash to Trump’s campaign, he also was #busted ON VIDEO scheming to funnel $2 million of ILLEGAL money from #China into Trump’s SuperPAC.🙄

Sep 30, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨NEW: @JohnsHopkins anesthesiologist Anna Gabrielian and her spouse @USArmy military doctor Maj. Jamie Lee Henry INDICTED for conspiring to share highly-sensitive medical records of military personnel with #Russia.… Gabrielian was "motivated by patriotism toward #Russia" & allegedly said her spouse had info on how the US establishes field hospitals. She told an undercover agent their info needed to be used "for something tactically advantageous…not just check if this person has polyps."🤬
Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
👏🏼#Pennsylvania, the choice is clear: elect REAL leader @JohnFetterman over snake-oil salesman “Dr” Mehmet Oz, who recklessly lobbied the Trump WH to push #hydroxychloroquine as a “treatment” for #COVID19.

#PASEN #FettermanIsTheBetterman… The House Select Subcommittee report on the #Coronavirus Crisis reveals the role that TV personalities played in bringing #hydroxychloroquine to the attention of top WH officials, highlighting an email from Laura Ingraham and *others from Dr. Mehmet Oz*🤬…
Jul 25, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
‼️Pence’s Chief of Staff Marc Short testified under #subpoena to a federal grand jury probing the #January6th insurrection—the highest-ranked Trump WH official known to have testified.

Trump, Rudy & others should be VERY worried.😎

#SubpoenaGinniThomas… In March, DOJ finally expanded its CRIMINAL probe of #January6th to include preparations for Trump’s “Save America” rally that preceded the the Capitol assault…as well as its financing👉🏼Alex Jones and @Publix heiress Julie Jenkins Fanfelli.

Jul 19, 2022 11 tweets 9 min read
🚨BREAKING: Prosecutors informed 16 Trump supporters who formed an FAKE slate of 2020 electors from #Georgia that they may face CRIMINAL charges, underscoring the risk of criminal charges that Trump and his cronies may face.…… The target letters—signaling imminent CRIMINAL charges of Trump’s cronies—were sent by #Georgia’s Fulton County DA @FaniWillisForDA.

And she’s not done yet.😎

Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Wow! The @NobelPrize that Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov auctioned off to raise money for Ukrainian child refugees **sold for $103.5 million** shattering the old record for a Nobel.… Muratov—who won the Nobel in October 2021—helped found the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and was its editor-in-chief when it shut down in March amid the Putin’s clampdown on journalists and public dissent to Russia’s ILLEGAL invasion of Ukraine.
Jun 13, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
💥MUST WATCH: tomorrow before the @January6thCmte: ex-Southern District of #Georgia US Attorney BJay Pak.

Pak was *forced out* by Trump for “refusing to parrot baseless voter fraud claims in #Georgia.”

But Lordy, there are TAPES.😎

@KlasfeldReports… On a 1/2/20 call when Trump pressured GOP @GaSecofState Brad Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes, Trump referred to Pak as a “never-Trumper.”

Lordy, there are TAPES.😎
Feb 10, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
🚨#SHOCKER: Olympic athlete from #Russia busted for doping.

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva tested positive for #Trimetazidine—a banned stimulant—before arriving at the #Beijing Olympics, jeopardizing her team gold medal won this week.

#Olympics… Valieva’s bust for doping is ZERO surprise, as Russian athletes in Beijing are competing as the “Russian Olympic Committee” (#ROC) **after #Russia was banned because of a massive state-sponsored doping scheme** at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

Cheaters gonna cheat.🤬

Feb 5, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🔥#January6th defendant seeks to #subpoena Trump:

“It is anticipated that…Trump will testify that he & others orchestrated a carefully crafted plot to call into question the integrity of the 2020 presidential election & the validity of Biden’s victory”💥… “Moreover, it will be established at trial that Trump & his conspirators engaged in a concerted effort to deceive the public, including defendant, into believing that American democracy was at stake if Congress was permitted to certify the election results.”

TOTAL #sedition 🤬
Jan 15, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
🔥Carlton Larson, a law professor at @ucdavis and an **expert in #treason law,** on the seditious conspiracy charges against the #OathKeepers:

“This is as a good a case as you could bring.”💥

#SeditiousConspiracy #January6th… After Biden was projected to have defeated Trump, #OathKeepers founder & leader Stewart Rhodes allegedly wrote in a Nov 2020 chat:

“We aren’t getting through this without a civil war. Too late for that. Prepare your mind, body, spirit.”🧐

Jan 13, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
🚨BREAKING: #OathKeepers founder & leader Stewart Rhodes ARRESTED and CHARGED with **seditious #conspiracy** for organizing a wide-ranging plot to storm the Capitol on #Jan6th.

FINALLY, the first insurrectionist has been charged with #sedition.💥… At least 4 #OathKeepers who were at the Capitol on 1/6 and are cooperating with the government have **sworn in court papers that the group intended to breach the Capitol with the goal of obstructing the final certification of the Electoral College vote**.

Total #sedition.
Jan 4, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
🚨BREAKING: Elizabeth Holmes found GUILTY of #conspiracy as part of her role in the total scam that was #Theranos.

She deserves to pay for her crimes. #Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes found GUILTY on 4 counts of wire #fraud + 1 count of #conspiracy, but not guilty on 3 counts. Jury deadlocked on 3 counts.…
Jan 1, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
🚨Fmr #NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik turned over some documents to the @January6thCmte but withheld numerous others, including one titled “DRAFT LETTER FROM @POTUS TO SEIZE EVIDENCE IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS.”… Kerik’s lawyer provided the “privilege log” to the #Jan6thCommittee saying the file originated on 12/17, a day before Trump huddled in the WH w/advisers including Misha Flynn, where they *discussed seizing election equipment* in states whose results Trump was attempting to throw.
Dec 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨BREAKING: Jury finds Harvard chemist Charles Lieber GUILTY of making false statements about participating in a #China-govt program to attract foreign scientists, failing to declare income earned in China & failing to report a Chinese bank account.🧐… #China had money to spend—“that’s 1 of the things China uses to try to seduce people.”~Lieber

But money wasn’t the reason. By training young scientists in his technology, he hoped to burnish his credentials.

“This is embarrassing. Every scientist wants to win a #NobelPrize.”