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Feb 28th 2021
We, the 'many', need always appreciate 'the few, the brave':
Their sacrifice ensures that the flag shall always wave!
(Fm the poem 'The Few, The Brave' by Maurice Harris)

Thread on the @IAF_MCC 'Ironman' formation vs the PAF JF-17s during #OpSwiftRetort on #27Feb19
On #27Feb2019, while ‘Avenger’ was clashing with the PAF F-16s over Nowshera, 2 x M2000Is of No1 Sqn IAF C/S ‘Ironman’ were battling upto 12 x JF-17s of CCS/No14 Sqn PAF abeam Muzaffrabad in North J&K 1/n
Eqpd with the RDY3 and the Mica combination, the IAF Mirages were the most dangerous adversaries for the PAF that day, with the PAF F-16s over Nowshera vary of engaging the Mirages instead of the Sukhois. This job was given to PAF Thunders who were meant to take on the M2Ks 2/n
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