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Feb 25th 2021
Migrant "Protection" Protocols (MPP) Survivor Stories #1:

1/ Gabriel and family survived the trek north only to be trapped in Mexico by Trump’s cruel America. Will they now get to cross into the US?


Updates by @Enrevolucion_33 in thread...
2/ UPDATE 25 FEB: "Hi Sarah, I already registered on the UNHCR website. I received a call yesterday, asking me for more information. They said that my application is in process and to wait for another communication. It is the US gov that will decide when we cross." #WeCanWelcome
3/ UPDATE #2: "They say that today the first group of 25 people will pass to the US from Matamoros. In 16 months of waiting, it is the first time that there is positive news. We feel very happy since this marks the beginning of the end."

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