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May 26th 2021
✊✊✊CASA members at the White House today demanding that the Biden-Harris Administration take action on citizenship for all. The time is now! #citizenship4all
🗣️🗣️🗣️We keep on sounding the alarm for immigrant inclusion. The lives of TPS holders, DACA holders, immigrant essential workers, and undocumented individuals are at stake @POTUS #citizenship4all #wearehome
We’re right in front of the White House calling on the Biden-Harris Administration to recognize that #ImmigrantsAreEssential and we need #Citizenship4All
Read 15 tweets
May 12th 2021
Today @SenAlexPadilla’s hearing is the beginning of a new chapter on the next 100 days of the Biden Administration through decisive Congressional action. #ImmigrantsAreEssential 🦋

📺Watch the hearing here 👇…
We appreciate @SenAlexPadilla for highlighting that immigrants are the ones that are largely doing the jobs that can't be done online during this pandemic. #ImmigrantsAreEssential
🦋🦋🦋One of the sponsors of this bill @SenatorDurbin recognizes that immigrants risk their lives EVERY DAY during this pandemic.
Read 16 tweets
May 12th 2021
Happening now! The Essential Role of Immigrant Workers in America. #ImmigrantsAreEssential #WeAreHome

Follow this thread for updates or watch now:
.@SenAlexPadilla: "America depends on the labor of immigrants. Immigrants are critical to our strength in every essential industry." #ImmigrantsAreEssential #WeAreHome
.@SenAlexPadilla: "The immigrant workers who have sacrificed and worked for us during the pandemic have earned more than platitudes. They have earned citizenship."
#ImmigrantsAreEssential #WeAreHome
Read 8 tweets
May 12th 2021
✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾 CASA and many other organizations are in DC ready to elevate member voices! Immigrant mothers NEED a pathway to citizenship NOW! #ImmigrantMoms #EssentialWorkers #WeAreHome
Calling all moms, daughters, sons, and children! Raise your voice and join us to demand that Congress pass a path to citizenship for immigrant moms and families who did SO MUCH to help our country through this pandemic. #MomsAreEssential

RSVP now:
🦋CASA Member Ruby is an undocumented rights fighter for COVID relief. She is here today risking arrest on behalf of her family including her husband, Jose who is a TPS holder #ImmigrantsAreEssential
Read 24 tweets
May 1st 2021
🗣Today we’re gathered at Black Lives Matter Plaza, alongside thousands, READY to march and make our demands heard. @POTUS immigrant families are counting on you! #Citizenship4All
🦋 Today, we fight to ensure that the Biden administration keep the promises made to immigrants at the start of these 100 days. Where are you on this historic day?! Join us in DC! #MayDay #ImmigrantWorkersAreEssential
📢📢📢 @POTUS and Congress, can you hear us from Freedom Plaza? We come in thousands to remind you that immigrant workers are essential and deserve a path to citizenship NOW! #WeAreHome #ImmigrantJustice
Read 18 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
🚨BREAKING: @JoaquinCastroTX, @RepTedLieu, @SenWarren & @SenAlexPadilla introduced the Citizenship for Essential Workers Act, which would provide 5 mil.+ undocu workers a path to citizenship.

#ImmigrantsAreEssential & millions risk their lives to keep our country running. 1/
#ImmigrantsAreEssential, not just to our economy, but to our communities & our nation.

While many of us are able to stay home, millions of immigrants in our communities are working high-risk jobs to care for our loved ones, teach our kids, keep us fed & deliver our goods. 2/
In fact, nearly 3/4 of all immigrants in the U.S. workforce — including more than 5 million undocumented immigrants — are working in essential roles and helping us get through the pandemic.

📣Read the stories of immigrant essential workers here: 3/
Read 12 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
🚨BREAKING: The Senate passed the $1.9 trillion #AmericanRescuePlan, providing necessary relief to our communities—including 2.2 mil. more people in mixed-status families. Though we celebrate this victory, the bill once again unfairly excludes 9.3 mil. immigrants from relief. 1/
Rejecting @SenTedCruz’s effort to block stimulus checks for undocu immigrants is a big win for immigrant communities. 2.2 million additional families will now be included in relief.

This is the result of advocates who organized to ensure inclusion of ALL of our communities. 2/
We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: There is no COVID recovery without immigrants. EVERYONE, including immigrants, must have access to COVID relief, testing & vaccines. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
🚨BREAKING: @RepRoybalAllard, @NydiaVelazquez & @RepYvetteClarke reintroduced the Dream & Promise Act today, which would permanently protect 3.1 mil. immigrants.

NILC has fought for #DreamAct since 2001 & won’t stop until ALL immigrants in the U.S. have the freedom to thrive. 1/ Image
#DACA recipients, TPS holders & immigrants covered by DED belong here: they're living, working & building their futures here.

In fact, more than 200,000 DACA recipients are essential workers, keeping this country afloat & helping in our COVID recovery. #ImmigrantsAreEssential 2/
❓Did you know? The average TPS holder has been in the U.S. for 22 years, and the average DACA recipient arrived at age 6.

The Dream & Promise Act is an important step toward stability & a permanent solution — and it’s long overdue.

#WeAreHome 3/
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Feb 25th 2021
Migrant "Protection" Protocols (MPP) Survivor Stories #1:

1/ Gabriel and family survived the trek north only to be trapped in Mexico by Trump’s cruel America. Will they now get to cross into the US?


Updates by @Enrevolucion_33 in thread...
2/ UPDATE 25 FEB: "Hi Sarah, I already registered on the UNHCR website. I received a call yesterday, asking me for more information. They said that my application is in process and to wait for another communication. It is the US gov that will decide when we cross." #WeCanWelcome
3/ UPDATE #2: "They say that today the first group of 25 people will pass to the US from Matamoros. In 16 months of waiting, it is the first time that there is positive news. We feel very happy since this marks the beginning of the end."

Read 23 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
We applaud @SenatorMenendez & @RepLindaSanchez for introducing the #USCitizenshipAct today. This bill is a significant step toward a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants—including a fast track for #DACA recipients, #TPS holders & farmworkers.

A thread🧵1/5
#USCitizenshipAct would:
✅Create a path to citizenship for 11 mil. immigrants
✅Begin to address root causes
✅Fortify worker protections
✅Remove barriers to family-based immig.
✅Put limits on exec. authority to issue bans
✅Restore asylum
✅Replace "alien” w/ “noncitizen”
.@MarielenaNILC: "Millions of immigrants are doing essential work to help us through the pandemic & are in urgent need of stability & relief. We urge members of Congress to swiftly provide undocumented members of our communities a path to citizenship." #ImmigrantsAreEssential 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
A new letter signed by 60 economists calls on the Biden Administration to include a path to citizenship for essential immigrant workers in the economic and COVID-19 recovery package. #ImmigrantsAreEssential #WeAreHome
"Undocumented immigrants are our family, our friends, our neighbors, and our co-workers. Immigrants have always been essential, but their contributions and sacrifices have never been more clearly recognized or sorely needed than during this past year." - @douglasrivlin
"As the new economists’ letter makes clear, delivering citizenship is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do." - @douglasrivlin
Read 6 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
🚨HAPPENING NOW: @MarielenaNILC is testifying before @HouseJudiciary.

Join us as we live tweet — we'll be here to remind you that #ImmigrantsAreEssential & that we need bold immigration reforms, starting with a path to citizenship.

“It is estimated that 3 in 4 undocumented workers are engaged in work that is deemed essential.” -@RepJerryNadler

“I am here today because my parents moved from Colombia to work in Rhode Island’s textile factories to give their 10 children better opportunities.” -@MarielenaNILC
Read 14 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
#Immigration is not a debate topic.

But immigrants are central to any conversation about Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, or Leadership.

@kwelkernbc may not ask, but no answer‘s complete without raising it. #Debates2020
On #COVID19, millions of immigrants are working alongside Americans as essential workers to fight the pandemic.

3-in-4 undocumented workers are in jobs defined as essential by DHS itself. #ImmigrantsAreEssential
But despite the great personal sacrifices they have made, undocumented immigrants and their families--including US citizens--have been largely left out of the relief that Congress has passed to date.

This is what we have long needed.…
Read 18 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
I am not an immigration lawyer-never have been

Then why am I so passionate about this administration’s immigration policy

After all, it doesn’t affect me personally and it probably never will

Well, I’ll tell you


Trump called Mexicans “rapists”
Then sought a “total ban of Muslims”
This is how persecution starts
As a lawyer-as an American-I support the Constitution
If I stand by while people are oppressed because of their nationality or religion
Who will stand for me

A week after he took office, it started
The Muslim Ban
I had to do something
So I went to JFK to help-even though I am not an immigration lawyer
I wound up going every day for a week, with many others
We had to defend those unjustly harmed

Read 8 tweets

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