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Nov 1st 2022
@CheriDiNovo @Sflecce 1. A little flashback to what happened when an Ontario government tried to pull this with #Bill115:

Ontario Superior Court Judge Thomas Lederer ound that the provincial government “substantially interfered” with teachers’ right to collective bargaining.…
@CheriDiNovo @Sflecce 2. The government was forced to pay:
- $103.1 million to the province’s elementary teachers
- $50 million to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
- $56.7 million to the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

@CheriDiNovo @Sflecce 3.
- $2.75 million to the Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union.


The Putting Students First Act — which forced contracts, froze pay and ended the practice of banking sick days — has cost the province more than $212.5 million.…
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