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Jun 6th 2023
πŸ“– This brings me so much joy when people share these things... Thank you for your kind words πŸ€“.

I'm doing a book signing at my next talk (next week πŸ”₯), #grateful.… Alireza Soleimani: Your boo...
I'm looking forward to @ThatConference in Wisconsin this year, thrilled to return here! Please check out all these amazing sessions πŸ’œ:

I'm nearly done with my updated article and app for the @twilio programmable video rewrite, coming soon - I promise ☎️ πŸ“Ή (built with @aspnet #minimalapis and #blazor #webassembly) #blazorators:… A screen capture of the rew...
Read 6 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
With the first glance at Blazor, I have that idea - it's perfect for MVVM.

I started with MVVM on WPF apps many years ago and spent a lot of time with MVVMLight and Xamarin, so I immediately saw an advantage of it for Blazor as well.


#Blazor #BlazorBits
This is ComponentBase which I use for MVVM everywhere. The only problem is JS

You cannot use js methods in OnInitializeAsync, and data initialization in OnAfterRender looks wrong to me (at least it's not what docs propose).

2/3 ImageImage
And there are things like js-loading indicator which need to be started if the page loaded but the data not.

Much confusing
For now, I simply move all JS initialization to OnAfterRender permanently

Oh, the gist of this classes available here…

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