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Nov 15th 2020
Better late than never! I’ve got a couple of #Blocktober (#Blockvember?? #Blocksgiving??) videos from #JediFallenOrder to share on its one year anniversary, including some insight into one of our easter eggs and an appearance from #OggdoBlockdo. #leveldesign 1/9
The initial idea for Bogano was to start with a flat plane for long sightlines across the planet and then dig trenches and caves into it for gameplay. This led us to add some memorable landmarks like the Vault and the giant Binog creature 2/9
Retraversing back to the Vault after acquiring wallrun was a delicate moment to pull off and went through a lot of iteration. We ended up solving it by adding some memorable statues and making the player path more straightforward as well as using it as a map teaching moment. 3/9
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