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Oct 3rd 2021
L'Oréal believes 'Abusers are Worth It!' If you support L'Oréal you're supporting domestic violence & false allegations. Amber Heard is a diagnosed violent narcissistic sociopath, a serial abuser & a false accuser via evidence, witnesses, & her own self-admission.
L'Oréal also fraudulently supports 'Abuse is Not Love: YSL Beauty Acts Against Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), a global program to combat intimate partner violence with non-profit partnerships.' IPV doesn't support male domestic violence or men. Read on for proof.
Amber Heard via audio she recorded admits to severing Mr. Depp's finger & putting a cigarette out on his face March 8, 2015. Mr. Depp required multiple surgeries & contracted MRSA which can be deadly, multiple times:
Read 20 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
L'Oréal believes 'Abusers are Worth It!' If you support L'Oréal you're supporting domestic violence & false allegations. Amber Heard is a diagnosed violent narcissistic sociopath, a serial abuser & a false accuser via evidence, witnesses, & her own self-admission.
#BoycottLOreal Image
Ms. Heard admits to being the violent abuser in audio recordings:…
Ms. Heard was arrested for domestic violence in 2009:…
Ms. Heard severed Mr. Depp's finger & put a cigarette out on his face March 8, 2015. ImageImageImageImage
Ms. Heard is currently under investigation for perjury in both Australia & Los Angeles, California.

Ms. Heard is a DIAGNOSED narcissistic sociopath; she is a serial abuser with multiple victims.

Ms. Heard LIED about donating money to ill/dying children. ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets

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