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Jul 25th 2022
I’m a bit frustrated with people on the Left and also the Trumpist crowd regarding their reactions to today’s excellent #BretBaier interview on @FoxNews with Rep #LizCheney. So, a quick 🧵 to remind Americans about the proper role of journalism.

@BretBaier @Liz_Cheney
2. A journalist — and Bret is a very good one — is tasked with gathering information via questioning and fact-finding. Some questions may be challenging. But in asking challenging, but fair, good faith questions, the journalist is serving the truth, the public, and also the ->
3. … interviewee. The interviewee has the opportunity to answer questions many in the public want to know. A good journalist asks tough, but fair questions, and then allows the interviewee to answer them. Then, if there is fact-checking that must be done, the journalist can ->
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