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Feb 19th 2020
On #Camoon at 8 am this morning banned Inner City Press asked @UN_Spokesperson, Given the evidence that the government is responsible for the killings in Ngar, explain why it is not capitulation or corruption for SG Guterres to call for Biya to investigate himself
Banned Inner City Press at 8 am asked UN, On Turkey, what are the comments and actions if any of SG Guterres on that authorities have detained Osman Kavala, just hours after a court acquitted him on terrorism-related charges and ordered his release from jail?
Banned Inner City Press asked UN Now that the US has identified Xinhua, CGTV, et al as arms of the CCP, how many offices do SG Guterres & @MelissaFleming give correspondents from these organizations and explain the ouster and ban of independent Inner City Press
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