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Dec 2nd 2022
I would like to start something new on Thursdays. Because I love cats, I'm starting #CriticalAppraisalThursday or CAT, to help folks learn how to assess evidence. Just a weekly thread about critical appraisal and information literacy.
For the first ever CAT, we'll start with a definition. Critical appraisal is a structured, systematic way to assess the validity and reliability of research. You can also assess its applicability to your specific question or situation.
Was this study done in a way that actually gathers information to answer the question it claims to ask and answer? Can the results of this study be applied to my patient or situation?
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Oct 15th 2022
If we want functional systems (healthcare, education, government, any of them) to be left for our children and grandchildren, we must all speak out now about how unacceptable it has been that our Govts have managed the pandemic counter to valid evidence.
Canadian provinces and American states have health sciences librarians. It is Library Month. These research heroes are well-equipped to search for evidence with the least bias possible. And they can teach you how! They’re ready and waiting for your e-mail or phone call.

You don’t need to be lost in the sea of misinformation and disinformation. Within a few hundred kms or miles of you is a health sciences librarian who would love to show you how to answer the questions you have with the highest quality research available.
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