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Nov 27th 2022
If you are starting to follow the #ChinaProtests & #ChinaUprising - the people have erupted because of Xinjiang & other cities having death tolls due to the incumbency of their govt, inhumane treatments & remarks of the govt LIVE on air after these deaths.

Corruption is evil af.
MANY Chinese people are fking fed up with Xi Jinping's Zero Covid policy which has led to rampant violence across China.
Thugs & jailed criminals have been employed to fight both IRL & online. Censorship is REALLY huge there.

Wechat is (never was) a secure platform. Open secret
if you live in China or have any Chinese friends. You can pay $$$ to check ANYONE'S msgs.

Many citizens who wants a #ChinaRevolution has now flooded to Twitter over the past few days. They CANNOT write on Weibo due to extreme censorship & legit cars with jammers driving around.
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