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Feb 15th 2022
Google's "infamous 'Web & App Activity' controls for paid users of Google Workspace" is "split up into two settings" …HOWEVER, "Google is taking advantage of this settings split to re-enable some tracking features, even if users have previously opted out"…
"The crux of those earlier privacy lawsuits was that having privacy settings bizarrely split across two switches was unnecessarily confusing. Now, with Search History, privacy settings are split across three switches" 🤡
"Regarding the promise to not use data from 'Workspace core services', Google's statement doesn't cover Google Search ... which is the primary vector for Google ads and data for Google ads. That's right—the 'Search History' setting from Google doesn't cover Google Search history"
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Jul 7th 2021

@petrasmussen and I have published "When All that Glitters is Gold: Dominated Plan Choice on @CoveredCA for the 2018 Plan Year" in the @MilbankFund Quarterly

We look at consumer choices after #Silverload

TLDR: People are confused

Dominated choices happen when on all relevant attributes Item A meets or beats Item B.

In a rational framework no one should ever choose Item B as it is dominated by A.

Our research is part of a growing literature that shows many people choose Item B for health insurance

Institutional context: Plan Years 2014-2017 #CostSharingReduction subsidies were directly paid to insurers by the Federal Government. CSR only applies to silver plans and there are 3 flavors (high, mid, low) from 100-150 FPL, 151-200 FPL and 201-250 FPL respectively.

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