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Jul 22nd 2020
Yesterday, @officialEFCC charged 2 staff of @NigBarAssoc with 14 counts of digital fraud in connection with rigging #NBADecides2018, which produced Mr. Paul Usoro as the President of the Association.

His tenure ends next month. It's a long story... THREAD…
Leadership elections in @NigBarAssoc were always scandalous. Until 2016, they elections were through delegates.

The delegates began to make money through the process & it became a big deal to be selected as one. Once you were one, you became rich…
By 2014, the process had become too expensive. In #NBADecides2014, "money spoke very loudly. By some estimates, @NigBarAssoc's 2014 elections were the 1st in which the campaign expenditure easily crossed the One billion Naira mark."…
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