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Apr 8th 2021
In the last week we've seen CTFK's #TakeDownTobacco and PAVe's #ClearTheVapor. Lot's of conflating of smoking and vaping along with vaping nicotine and tons of other things (Pot, vitamins, etc.). Tons of support for flavor bans. As time permits, this will turn into a thread.
Years ago, all flavors in combustible cigarettes were banned, except menthol. Why did that happen? Who helped big tobacco keep menthol cigarettes?… Image
Why is it that Matt Myers of CTFK would sit down to find common ground with #BigTobacco to negotiate tobacco regulations, but he makes no effort to work with #TobaccoHarmReduction?…
Read 18 tweets
Apr 8th 2021
Thread: I’m going to #ClearTheVapor for @ParentsvsVape. Within minutes you stated that you begin in 2018 because you learned about vaping then 👇. 1/5
To clear some questions up did you forget you made this previous piece? It states that your co-founders son started vaping in 2017 👇. 2/5
This from the same show states that he went online and purchased all that he needed with I can only guess a credit card 👇. I don’t think a 14yr old can get his own credit card. 3/5
Read 9 tweets

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