Skip Murray Profile picture
#BeKind. DSP @ group home. Advocate, #Curious Researcher. Seeker of making the world a better place. Keeper of the family tree. #NicotineNerd #Neurodiverse
2 subscribers
May 14, 2024 91 tweets 11 min read
My thread is starting a couple of hours late.

It is the Q&A time with Dr. King - FDA/CTP
Dr. King is very strong on his youth messaging.

@ChaunceyGardner started his question with kind words.

@Hello_Alex is speaking.

#EcigSummit #EcigSummitUS 2/x
Alex asks everyone to stop spreading misinformation.

Reminds us of the day tobacco execs were questioned.

Alex is speaking with emotion. Go Alex!!!

Says consumers and the public are hungry for honest information.
Feb 11, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Last week @CDCTobaccoFree tweeted information about the launch of their 2024 #CDCTips campaign. This program provides tips for people who smoke and would like to quit. The tips come from the personal experience of others who have successfully quit smoking.
1/🧵 2/x
Several people who have quit smoking enthusiastically replied with what worked for them to help them quit smoking. I don't own a crystal ball, so I don't know what caused some of those replies to become hidden. A tech glitch or a human hid them.
May 18, 2023 94 tweets 11 min read
Late start to the TPSAC meeting.
It is go time!
Ground rules and committee member introductions.
🧵 👇 Image Getting all the details out of the way. Reading the Conflict of Interest statement. All participants (except for the industry representatives) have been screened for COI. Industry reps are not voting members of the committee.
May 16, 2023 158 tweets 20 min read
Good morning from #EcigSummit!
Thread... 2/x
Opening Keynote Dr. Brian King - FDA, CTP.
Tobacco use - adult, youth
Health Disparities
FDA 4 pillars - Rules, Applications review, Compliance & Enforcement, Public
Jun 27, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I have been seeing a therapist for a little over 1.5 years to deal with my mental health issues. It's been very helpful and has sent me on a healing journey. But it hasn't been enough. A few weeks ago, I started this course.
1/x… And wow! So many things are changing rapidly. I realize that for most of my life, I have lived in an almost constant state of alert. Knowing shit is going to hit the fan, I was constantly looking over my shoulder to see if it was here yet.
Jun 26, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
The tweet I'm quoting rocks me to the core. Abortion is not a topic I talk about publicly. It's an issue that has torn me in half ever since I've known what it is. I think today, I'd like to share the stories of 2 abortions that DIDN'T happen.
1/x My husband was 17 and his first wife was 16 when they got married. She was pregnant and their families forbid an abortion and forced them to marry. They both dropped out of school. They had a little girl named Kathryn.
May 31, 2022 41 tweets 19 min read

When it comes to #THR advocacy, there are 2 things that are a bee in my bonnet. Misinformation and the lack of agreeing on common goals/working to achieve them is the other. In honor of #WNTD22, I'm redoing a thread from a while ago. #ChangeTheConversation

👇👇 THREAD👇👇 2/
I hope more people listen to @cdoug.
Apr 23, 2022 59 tweets 15 min read
If you're struggling to quit smoking and think you've tried everything, I'm going to offer you a list of 50 suggestions I found on the internet. First up, the inspiration for this project!
1/🧵 Image 2/
Those of us who were teens in the ‘70s remember singing:
“The problem is all inside your head
She said to me
The answer is easy if you
Take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle
To be free
There must be fifty ways
To leave your lover”
Mar 15, 2022 19 tweets 16 min read
I encourage both of my communities to join hands across the ideological divide to pursue our common cause of combatting illness and saving lives by preventing tobacco use by young people and helping adult smokers quit smoking.
#SRNT2022 #Preconference
#ChangeTheConversation 2/
The public health objective should be to develop policies and interventions that both reduce youth vaping and increase adult smoking cessation.
#SRNT2022 #Preconference…
Mar 14, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
Our Love story: Mark & Skip
March 14, 1984
He is my "happily ever after". Besides being "unique" and not one to belong 100% to any tribe, I was also a hard-core tomboy. I didn't date much as a teen or young adult. Most of the time, I was "one of the guys". I spent more time in the garage working on cars, than hanging in the house doing my nails.
Mar 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Mark's not feeling well. He laid down to take a nap. He NEVER naps. His color isn't good.

I'm worried... He napped for 2 hours - his face was grey. I gave him Tylenol when he got up and made him something to eat. He had the chills really bad and a headache across his forehead. Vitals were all good. I told him to take Nyquil at bedtime. I fell asleep on the couch around 8.
Mar 6, 2022 42 tweets 14 min read
I remember how excited I was a year ago when @cdoug Tweeted his statement about how we need to #ChangeTheConversation about #THR and #Smoking. His latest tweet reminds me that his voice is one of many. This gives me hope. 2/

"The debate is heated, driven as much by emotions and philosophies as by facts. One hopes that the debate will move to an evidence-based discussion as research fleshes out the factual basis for evaluating the roles of these novel products."…
Dec 31, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
45 minutes to go. The last time we had this high of sales was March of 2019. Thanks to all of you and your amazing tweets I have emotionally kept it together all day. I have been able to greet every customer in a cheerful way and express confidence they will be ok.
I gave all the regulars plenty of notice and gave them a very sweet deal on preordering a months of supplies. I then doubled each order at no extra charge.
Dec 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Brains are weird. I sure can't figure mine out. The depression has been a challenge the last few days. I was so low yesterday and cried for hours. I sat and cried at work this morning. But a picture of a t-shirt made me think of a very kind person, and it made me laugh.
It amused me so much, I had to send a link to it to the person it made me think of.

And that one silly little thing, and the giggle it causes was enough to lesson the depression by several degrees.
Dec 28, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
It has taken me months, but the good news is I've finally moved past denial.
1/ The bad news is I woke up in full blown anger and I'm a hot mess. I've never handled anger well. Not other people's and not mine. Other people's anger makes me feel fear. I know pain is coming, be it physical or emotional, I know angry people are going to hurt me.
Dec 26, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Dec 24, 2021 16 tweets 9 min read
If VLNC helps some people stop smoking, I will be glad to see it. I'm concerned about sending people the wrong message about nicotine. I'm going to park some random thoughts throughout the day in this 🧵, as I work on the @SaferWiki VLN page.…
Some people are concerned when people making the switch from smoking to vaping dual use. What happens if people dual use cigarettes and VLNC? Is smoking less/day a good thing? Is it reducing harm? Some against vaping have said "no". Image
Dec 17, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I hate politics. I don't understand politics. Some of my friends love politics, find it fascinating. I don't get that, either. I got asked about politics last night. The person found it shocking that I don't know what it means to be a Democrat or Republican.
I can't define Liberal, Progressive, Conservative, Libertarian. I don't understand Capitalism vs Socialism.

I have the same struggles with religions.

Politics and Religion are things important to many people. And yet both cause so much division and hate.
Dec 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
A couple of days ago the pod fell out of my Lux and got lost. Yesterday, I stopped at the shop of my competitor and friend, Vapor North. Melissa smiled as I walked in the door and shouted "Vape Emergency!". She also uses the Lux and gave me the one I use.
She gave it to me because I couldn't find something that was "just right" and she felt I might like that device. (I love it!). So as I open my wallet to get ready to pay for a pod, she opens the box from her Lux and gives me the spare pod from hers. Would not let me buy one.
Nov 7, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Thread 🧵


Before you read my thread, please read this story:… (Photo from that story)
1/ I have been fighting for years. Proudly standing beside many of you, we have fought fiercely for Tobacco Harm Reduction. We have perfected trolling. We can cite a study in our sleep. We can spot the enemy from a mile away. We despise the other side.

Nov 6, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read