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Dec 7th 2020
@V5M1000 UN/WEF is building its own empire to replace a country power, controls & laws (mirroring the EU framework)

governance (templated agenda2030) placed over industry / sectors, creates global future council another layer of more govt (total govt = communism, built on collectivism)
@V5M1000 1. What UN/WEF is doing is implementating communism worldwide, getting everyone to buy into their communist collectivist agenda as being the saviour of mankind post-covid & silently trying to convert everyone to a communistic agenda
@V5M1000 2. Arnold J Toynbee "I will repeat that we're at present working, discreetly with our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called #sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world, we're denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands" ?
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