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Oct 29th 2021
21 Bullet Secrets That IGNITE The Selling Power 0f Your Copy –– a summary of Clayton Makepeace's "The Screaming Eagle" for #copywriters.

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The ability to write great bullets and fascinations is one of the most powerful skills you'll EVER acquire as a copywriter. And the ability to *recognize* both good and bad ones is essential to being a great direct response entrepreneur or marketing director.
The best bullets:

> Powerfully stimulate curiosity & intrigue...
> Seduce your prospect to read, read, READ!
> Build desire by creating the urge to "know" the secret your bullet promises to reveal...
> Seize your prospect's attention and keep him zooming through the copy...
Read 25 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
For #MarketingTwitter #Copywriters #GraphicDesigners #MoneyTalks

A thread on getting paid.

You work hard. You do a good job. The client is happy.

You send the invoice.

And wait to get paid... and wait... and wait some more...

Here's how you can fix that...

2. First, you probably need to get more comfortable talking about money.

We’ve been trained not to talk about it. It’s not polite. It’s embarrassing.

And hey, we’re creative people, not accountants.

So, force yourself to talk about money. Start at the estimating stage...
3. How do you send estimates to clients?

Just email it, wait for them to call you?

Can I suggest, you tell them you’re sending it, and you’ll follow up with a phone call to review it?

You're calling to make sure you got all the details...

And to also talk about money.
Read 11 tweets

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