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Jul 24th 2022
#WheelerFire in #Coulterville, northern Mariposa Co: AA440 reporting 2 acres in grass & oak woodland w/ slow-moderate rate of spread, potential for 50 acres, requesting T82 & T83 be sent to this off the Oak fire. Hwy 49 north of Oak Ridge Rd.
#WheelerFire (#Coulterville, Mariposa Co) - Tankers 82, 83, 79 & 80 all assigned to the fire now for a total of 4, plus a couple of copters being sent from the Oak incident. Law enforcement saying it's 5 acres or so now.
#WheelerFire (#Coulterville, Mariposa Co) - The fire is 8-10 acres per @YoseFirewatch. Air Attack releasing T82 & T83 back to the Oak fire - they have 4+ copters on this fire from the other incident.
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