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Jun 2nd 2019
#CricketThread: Time for a long, hard look at India's statistical data since the 2015 Cricket World Cup (CWC) to understand where they may finish in 2019.
Since the end of CWC 2015, India have made 21,043 runs in 86 ODIs, behind only England who’re at 22,289.

Run-scoring has hinted at winners in previous World Cups.

I have more on that in a thread on England.

Read that here:
India average 5.47 runs per over, behind England (at an all-time high of 6.02) and South Africa (5.49).

India hit a 4/6 every 9.74 balls, again behind England (also an all-time high of 8.44 balls) and South Africa (9.67).
Read 35 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
#CricketThread: There’s a change I’d like to see in cricket metrics. I hope someone’s listening at @StarSportsIndia. It’s the matter of run rate, required rate (RR), economy rate (ER), and strike rate (SR).
They’re all the same thing described in different ways. A standardization of scales is needed. I believe it would be good for the game.
The metric that sticks out like a sore thumb is batting SR. Not one innings in nearly 15+ years of T20 cricket has reached 100 balls. The longest is 79 balls. Out of thousands, only 6 have passed 75 balls.
Read 19 tweets

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