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Jun 17th 2018
Jeff Sessions ENTIRE STAFF is recused, Please Call @SpeakerRyan 608-752-4050 to #DEMANDRosenstein…
What is the impact of a Jeff Sessions-recusal-joined-to-a-Rosenstein ORDER to appoint Mueller? The Answer is in Senate Judiciary Nomination hearing for Joseph H Hunt on January 3 2018. Jody Hunt was to be Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division. #DEMANDRosenstein
Joseph "Jody" Hunt was Jeff Sessions Chief of Staff from January 2017 to September 2017. Hunt during his nomination hearing on January 3 2018 was questioned SEVERAL times about Jeff Sessions recusal by Democrat Senators @SenFeinstein, @SenBooker, @ChrisCoons. #DEMANDRosenstein
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Apr 15th 2018
Please call Chairman @DevinNunes 559-323-5235 about Attorney-Client Privilege #DEMANDRosenstein held INHERENT CONTE……
Attorney-client privilege enlighten the eyes of all Americans after a single tweet by President Trump because its familiar territory to all. Millions of Americans place themselves into his shoes as his past communications he had with an Attorney are violated. #DEMANDRosenstein
In the MOTION to grant a RESTRAINING ORDER against the FBI & DOJ, Cohen memorandum reads: Media coverage has been ubiquitous. Once again, PUBLIC INTEREST. Repetitiously the Public Interest standard has been a factor in the House, Senate, Districts and Circuits. #DEMANDRosenstein
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Apr 8th 2018
Please Call @RepGoodlatte 540-432-2391 #DEMANDRosenstein be held in INHERENT CONTEMPT…
Unforeseen during Rosenstein confirmation hearing Democrat Senator @MazieHirono had the gall to talk about Police Misconduct all while Democrats encourage USURP of power from POTUS to Rosenstein. Democrats licensed Rosenstein to carry out Prosecutor Misconduct #DEMANDRosenstein
Police & Prosecutor Misconduct as Republican @SenJohnKennedy says: a US attorney can ruin somebody's life. Democrats encourage Rosenstein to start a Russia Probe because of subjective intent or belief, rather than good objective faith in their oath of office. #DEMANDRosenstein
Read 12 tweets
Mar 25th 2018
Please call Chairman @RepGoodlatte 540-432-2391 #DEMANDRosenstein be held in INHERENT CONTEMPT…
Noticeable that Rosenstein was served a SUBPOENA on March 22 2018 for illegal FISA applications he authorized but media isnt covering it. Chairman @RepGoodlatte issued SUBPOENA & commanded Rosenstein to: produce the things identified on the attached schedule. #DEMANDRosenstein
SUBPOENA was served to Rosenstein, NOT Sessions. Why? Because Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is acting Attorney General who controls: DOJ Inspector General, 93 US Attorneys, FBI, DEA, ATF & US Marshalls. Only the most important parts of our government. #DEMANDRosenstein
Read 14 tweets
Mar 18th 2018
Please Call Chairman @ChuckGrassley, 515-288-1145 #DEMANDRosenstein testify on illegal DOJ misconduct.…
Special Counsel known as Special Prosecutor or Independent Counsel is a 4th branch of government. SCOTUS in Morrison v. Olson 1988, shockingly rules it constitutional. However Justice Antonin Scalia gave a SCATHING dissent which was originally a 30 PAGE draft. #DEMANDRosenstein
Justice Antonin Scalia, in the audio of the opinion called the Constitution "structure was to prevent EXCESSIVE governmental power which is always the first THREAT to liberty from coalescing" or in other words the legislative/judicial branches CANNOT become the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 11th 2018
Please call Chairman @TGowdySC 864-241-0175, #DEMANDRosenstein to testify on illegal FISA warrants…
Inspector General Act of 1978. In this context, the law ONLY allows 2 individuals which Inspector General can report to: Attorney General & Deputy Attorney General. Since Rosenstein ORDER appointing Mueller is Investigating President Trump, POTUS cant supervise Inspector General.
Ironically the Inspector General Act of 1978 & the FISA Act of 1978 SIMULTANEOUSLY became law. Inspector General Act became law October 12th 1978. FISA of 1978 became law October 25th 1978. 95th Congress, Democrat Majority House & Senate. Signed by President Carter 2 weeks apart.
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