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Sep 4th 2020
I just spoke phone with a guy at CSH, a guy who's committed, not for punishment, but for mental health issues. Turns out they're suffering even worse than the guys in #CDCR. Even before #COVID19 they were treated worse, and now, they get only two 50-minute sessions out per week.
Can you imagine suffering from mental health issues, and only being allowed to get out twice a week for 50-minutes each time? It's got to be taking a devastating toll, and unlike #CDCR, #DSH isn't going to let anyone go. They'll just keep them locked up. But it gets worse...
Keep in mind that all of thesepeople are there until they receive the mental health they need, but none of them have received any treatment since March because of the #COVID19 lockdown, thereby prolonging any potential release exponentially, and the court's are closed or swamped.
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