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Jan 23rd 2022
"There is no obvious way out for the prime minister. It was not a one-off, it was not an ambiguous situation, it definitely happened. That hasn’t stopped him trying all of those excuses, it has just meant each time one fell down marked another full news cycle of the scandal."
"Johnson’s personal ratings are in the toilet, his party now lags hugely behind in the polls, and just like phone hacking the scandal stretches beyond just government. The Sun faces questions having had its deputy editor, James Slack, as the central figure of one of the parties."
"The Met Police are comprehensively failing to look anything other than incompetent in their response: they have, somehow, prioritised a civil servants’ investigation over their own, handily ignored the presence of police in Number 10,"
Read 38 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
This cartoon, published by Paul #Dacre in the Daily Mail in 2015, tells you most of what you need to know about the man apparently set to chair Ofcom.
Don't let anybody tell you "But he can't be a racist. Look what he did in the Stephen Lawrence case." 95% of that is an artfully created myth.…
As for regulation, he holds it in contempt, as @Bynickdavies demonstrated in his 2008 book Flat Earth News:
Read 3 tweets

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