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Nov 1st 2021
Do they serve dog meat? The Chinese do. Why not?

Think for a change, deracinated wannabe @saliltripathi. 😏 @MrsGandhi
Countries have cultural norms. The culture-less can't understand this.

When massah says "jump" they ask, "how high." In their limited vision, cultural norms are set by the West. They just jump.

So they'd never ask why horse-meat isn't sold at Costco.…
It shouldn't take a lot of comprehension.

The relationship to cows in India have been akin to family members, not unlike the relationship in the West to dogs and horses as "pets." People generally don't eat those considered family. Every culture has their own taboos.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
When he takes ignorance to the next level.

"Killing a cow" is not "blasphemy"—cows are rural wealth—go dhan. It's like someone broke into your home, stole gold. Cow rustlers are killed all over the world. If you want to be slightly better informed I'll attach a thread below.
Read 7 tweets

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