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Aug 24th 2022
Ok, time to christen a brand new hashtag: #DanAndrewsCrimes

He's evaded a lot of scrutiny in the past 8 years. Time to put an end to it.

I went with "crimes" because it covers social, political and criminal matters. And why not start with a scandal involving all 3 - #RedShirts
#RedShirts is in the news again, because police whistle-blowers have gone to IBAC with an allegation that senior police may have intervened in the process of justice to protect Dan Andrews MPs.

This follows on from presumably the same whistleblower going to The Age last year
Also reported today, Liberal MP David Davis had a copy of the complaint dropped on his doorstep overnight. Now to me, that smacks of one hell of a frustrated whistle-blower. One who tried the media, doesn't have faith in IBAC, and wants all bases covered. Quite extraordinary...
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