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Aug 19th 2022
@TableTopBill and @Pendolino70S so some quick research into #warhammer40000 and woo doggy... To start the biggest differences between #battletech and 40K is the sheer amount of hand-wavium 40K needs. It is far more fantasy than sci-fi. Psychics, aliens, magic it has it all.
BT on the other hand is very human focused, there are no aliens that threaten humanity and the only semi-intelligent life forms found are 2 species of caveman like humanoid "pinkies" and a bird like primitive society that can only be reached accidentally by misjump with no way
back to human space. The factions of the Inner Sphere are thus not divided between species, but between vast star spanning empires. Although admittedly biased, I prefer BT because there is so much less hand-wavium. You can trace Humanities journey to the stars directly back to
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