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Sep 10th 2021
@Twinflame31816 @PattyArquette Yes. It IS infuriating!

It’s been fkup in Texas for DECADES. Travis County has been trying to catch up for 8? years.

PAs wouldn’t prosecute She Said/He Said cases wo the evidence!

ATX transferred Lab & $$ away from APD. @GovAbbott got all pissy & stopped that as #DefundingPD🤬
@Twinflame31816 @PattyArquette @GovAbbott I will give credit for good🎉
But damn this NATIONAL #BackloggedRapeKits is OLD. (1/2)…
@Twinflame31816 @PattyArquette @GovAbbott Sens. Cornyn & Bennet were the authors of the “Sexual Assault Forensic Reporting Act”, a 2013 law creating the SAFER Program which has helped law enforcement reduce the rape kit backlog through existing funds under the 2004 Debbie Smith Act.

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