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Jun 10th 2021
I spent the last 2 months studying Meme Launches in search of the secret 🌜 sauce. I witnessed...

🚀 100x’s
📉 Rug Pulls
🍯 Honeypots
💰 Shills
🪙 Decoupling of $BTC
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Communities Forming

A Thread on 3 Strategies, why I feel $_ _ _ _ is the next 100x 👇 + an AirDrop Giveaway!
1/ Let's start with who I am. I created @DefiHole to accomplish 4 goals:

1. Discover 100x's ( $Shib, $Kishu, #DireWolf, $Doge)
2. Educate You and Me
3. Better understand communities
4. IF my Business Development Skills fit, help a project realize its full potential
2/ tl;dr

1. Find a strategy that fits your skills
2. Dedicate 3-5% of your portfolio to finding 100x investments
3. Find coins that are more #MemeFi than memes ( $AIDI / $HOGE / $HOKK)
4. Win by playing a different game than others are playing
Read 17 tweets

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