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May 30th 2022
#KubeCon EU Takeaway 2: ➡️ Platforms and “golden paths” enable productivity and reduce developer friction

I saw several great talks, and also presented on why I think golden paths and platform engineering are the next big thing 🔥

Let's explore this in more detail: 🧵 👇
The first mention of "golden paths" was from @MercedesBenz in the opening keynote, where they talked about the K8s-based platform they had built over the past 7 years 🏎️

Lots of thought, effort, and iteration had been applied to the dev experience 🧰

@MercedesBenz Golden paths are all about making it easy for a developer to code, ship, and run applications; to go from biz idea, to code, to test, to running in prod, to collecting telemetry to enable iteration ⚡

There can be one golden path or many, depending on your use cases 🛣️
Read 15 tweets
May 2nd 2019
Multiple approaches for multi-platform support with buildx and buildkit #DockerCon ImageImage
cross compilation support #DockerCon Image
Build Windows, or even webassembly #DockerCon Image
Read 3 tweets

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