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Jul 8th 2021
NFTs, copyright, and licensing are the topics everyone’s debating right now. Tensions are running high, and for good reason. This issue poses nothing less than an existential threat to the cryptoart community. If we get this wrong now, there’s no going back. A thread 👇
To have this debate in a productive way, we need to be clear on the definitions. Half the arguments I’ve read don’t seem to really know what copyright is or how it works. Check out this great primer by @ankaris. TLDR: Ownership of an original copy ≠ copyright ≠ usage rights
To put that in a way that makes intuitive sense: If you buy the original manuscript of a @StephenKing novel, does that give you film adaptation rights? Of course not. Does King sell his copyright to the film production company that licenses the story? Hell no.
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