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May 10th 2022
There is a word and concept which has a prominent place in conversation where I am listening. That word and concept is technology.
As I understand it, the term as used means specifically high energy high speed technology. I don't think it would be common to encounter my current
2. mental puzzling over how to build a belt driven, donkey powered, sickle bar hay / pasture mower being viewed as technology, let alone cutting edge technology.
Currently I listen a lot to people in the 30 to 45 age range, people now coming into their own as movers in the world.
3. My wife's heir, her family, are that generation. The #DoomerOptimist crowd here largely is in that group, and I follow them with interest.
But I'm seriously not trying to debate. I mean, I live in this world. Technology, as I say it is used, is virtually universal. What we do
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