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Sep 8th 2019
Authenticity is essential to mapo tofu. So this time I’m simply going to make something *delicious*, authenticity be damned. This is one of the tastiest tomato-based pasta dishes I’ve had. Here’s how to make strozzapreti with tomatoes, olives and anchovies. #EconCookingTwitter
Many Italians would balk at this dish. It’s more Italian-American, but we know from Paulie’s trip to the mother country that Italian-American =\= Italian. It’s a reminder that authenticity is really a myth. One nonna’s faith is another’s blasphemy. Deliciousness is what matters.
I’ve been with my wife for 17 years. The concept is completely alien to me, but there are a few dishes I make that I think would be terrific to cook for a date. This dish has the perfect blend of simple ingredients, hands-off cooking and stunning impact that’s sure to impress. 🔥
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