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Mar 22nd 2021
It was great to be able to connect to the #E2 #EducationExchange with @MicrosoftEDU today, albeit feeling completely under the weather, drinking honey and lemon! Lots of fantastic tips provided by a range of #MIEExpert practitioners from all over the world...

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#MIEExpert Ed Tip #1 was shared by @APSITFelisa 💙

Breakout rooms in @MicrosoftTeams is a great way of providing learners the opportunity to work in smaller groups whilst learning remotely or for your colleagues to work as part of a PLC. #E2Everywhere
#MIEExpert Ed Tip #2 was shared by #TeamMIEEScotland's @cgerrard02 who demonstrated the power of multiple accessibility tips within Windows 10 and other applications within the @MicrosoftEDU suite.

Immersive reader is an absolute must for learners to ensure equity for all!
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