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Apr 12th 2022
Can you hear it? The crowing-in of a new era?

A love letter to PFP NFTs
As another sun sets
On innovations of olde -
The cries of 8bit derivatives
That cannot be sold.

Don’t worry, they say
New entrants will come.
But we know in our hearts
There’s more work to be done.
The puzzle-pieces are there
And 1st-movers, we are-
But LFGs and WAGMIs
Can only get us so far

So let’s take the next step
And realize their potential
NFTs are meant for more
Than being self-referential

You taught us to walk
Now we’re learning to run:
Together WE R C
7 2 1
This next phase of your life
Is more than jpegs & names
You’re getting an upgrade
So you can play games!

But to recommend change
Cannot come without warning;
If you’re stuck on #ETH
You’re surely in mourning

Sorry - Lower fees
& higher speeds
Is just what this upgrade needs
Read 7 tweets

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