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Jan 5th 2021
If you're married and indulge in extra marital affairs with other people's partners, you have no business castigating the #FCMB guy and his adulterous mistress. Some of you have worst stories like having sex and making babies with your brothers wife, boss, bosses wife, employees,
colleagues, business partners, best friends husband or wife, domestic staff, landlord or landlady, neighbour, nephew, cousin, niece, in-law etc. So why in the world are you shamelessly talking about Mr. Adam Nuru and Moyo or are you cursed? For the record,
I do not support adultery. However, people need to stop their "hollier than thou" attitude. #Hypocrites
Read 3 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
The world has changed in so many ways and thanks to technology, there are so many businesses you can start right from the comfort of your home.

Thinking about starting a business from home? We get you! 😁 Here are FIVE options to consider:
• Vlogging:
You can start your own vlog creating video content for YouTube and other social channels. You make money from adverts, views, donations etc as your channel grows and more people engage with your content.
To get started, you would need a Camera, a laptop/smartphone Microphone, lighting unit, YouTube account and internet.

• Social Media Management
If you love to write and have a flair for engaging people, you can start a business that helps small business...
Read 8 tweets
Aug 23rd 2019
Hustle LEGIT OOOO make EFCC Eagle or FBI no use you as scapegoat for venturing into fraudulent activities.

Most importantly, be alert! Don’t fall victim to fraudsters. Keep your account safe and prevent unlawful access.


#FCMB #SayNoToFraud #BeLegit #MyBankAndI
Here are somethings to note: FCMB will never ask you to click on any link to provide your security information or ask you for your security and personal details.

#FCMB #SayNoToFraud #BeLegit #MyBankAndI
Never click on a link in an email, SMS or any other means which asks you to update your BVN or provide your online banking details such as username, password, PIN or one-time password (OTP). You should NEVER share these details with a third-party for any reason.
#FCMB #BeLegit
Read 6 tweets

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