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Jan 1st 2019
Thread: #FalseGodofNationalism

“Our age is one in which men have turned away from the eternal God of the universe, and decided to worship at the shrine of the god of nationalism.”

#MLK (1953) #HappyNewYear⁠ ⁠
“We are all familiar with the creed of this new religion. It affirms that each nation is an absolute sovereign unit acknowledging no control save its own independent will. The watchword of this new religion: “My country right or wrong.”” #MLK #FalseGodofNationalism #HappyNewYear
“This new religion has its familiar prophets and preachers. In Germany it was preached by Hitler. In Italy it was preached by Mussilini. And in America it is being preached by the McCarthys and the Jenners, the advocators of white supremacy, and the America first movements.”
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