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Jun 22nd 2018
Fayose's decision to borrow 56 billion with a fresh application of another N25 billion in 2017, without any significant socio-economic impact puts @GovAyoFayose's understanding of governance & economics in question. And also confirms his lack of transparency. /1

#Fayose @Ayourb
With low jobs growth, no wage growth, no industrial development, no investment in agric & no socio-economic plan, where does future govt revenue come from? @GovAyoFayose has presided over the worst govt ever to drive up #Ekiti State's debt without a plan to fix the economy. /2
Contrary to the lies by @OlayinkaLere & @GovAyoFayose, the first 30billion in this chart is an accumulation of accrued debt b4 & during @kfayemi's tenure. He ensured that 14.5b was paid out of the 25b loan before he left office. By Oct 2014, #Ekiti debt profile was 10.5b. /3
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